Please email or call 860-567-8588 for all rental inquiries!

John Deere® 3520 Tractor

$150.00 USD - 1 Half Day
$225.00 USD - 1 Day (Based on 8hr Day)

The John Deere® 3520 tractor features power steering and 4x4 4WD.

Loader Bucket Specifications:

  • Lifting capacity (lbs): 1,122
  • Dump height (ft/in): 6' 8"
  • Width (ft/in): 5' 1''
  • Load capacity: 1/3- yd
  • 37-HP
  • Weight (lbs): 3,570

This machine is supplied with a full tank of Diesel fuel and will need to be returned full. When returning rental, please provide Receipt showing the purchase of Diesel Fuel. Fuel and Cleaning charges applicable, if not returned in the same condition as which it left.

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